Hotaru No Yume Dojo
Overview of disciplines by teaching format.
Click on what interests you.
Classes are held weekly. 34 sessions per year.
Wing Chun is taught face-to-face at St Julien Molin Molette.
Weekend classes
Courses can last a morning, a day or a weekend, depending on the discipline.
Katori Shinto Ryu
Individual sessions
Individual sessions offer a totally personalized approach, an intimate understanding of the concepts, direct answers to your questions and the keys to lasting, autonomous development in your practice.
Physical and mental preparation
Frequently asked questions
Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in courses?
No prerequisites are required to join the course. Having no experience and no point of comparison can sometimes make it easier to take in lessons more openly and directly.
What if I have questions that aren't in your FAQ?
You can already click on the “learn more” tab below, and if you can’t find the answer to your question you can contact us via the site’s contact page.