


The face-to-face course takes place on the 2nd floor of the St Julien Molin Molette village hall.


Opening hours

Monday, 7 to 8:45 p.m.

Clothing and equipment

Wing-Chun is practised in soft, comfortable clothing.


Group courses

1h45 face-to-face class: €350 for one class per week

Private lessons

1h = €70 | 2h = €130 | 3h = €550

Teaching curriculum

  • Étude des formes (tao-lu), des principes corporels associés et de leurs applications au combat.
  • Travail des mains collantes et des jambes collantes (Chi Sao et Chi guerk).
  • Etude du mannequin de bois (Mook-Yan-Chung).
  • Étude des armes (bart-cham-dao – couteaux papillons, et Luk-dim-boon-kwun – bâton long).
  • Etude des déplacements à l’aide du tripodal dummy.

Emphasis is placed on the search for the right use of the body, on the work of intention, and on the study of combat dynamics (tactics and strategy). In this way, the technical aspects retain all their meaning and do not detract from the spontaneity necessary for any form of combat.

Registration form